Best Play There is a ‘best thing to do’ given ANY possible situation. You may disagree with some of the table listings, but take my advice : THROW AWAY ANY NOTION OF ‘COMMON SENSE’ AND ‘GUT FEELINGS’ IF YOU WANT TO BLEED THE CASINO DRY! The tables provide the statistically sound action. If you doubt it for one moment, keep your own personal log versus the table’s recommended play. EXAMPLE : You have an Ace and an 8 for a 19 total. The Dealer is showing a 6. What should you do? If you have been counting, and a positive count exists, you should DOUBLE! Why on earth would you take another card with a 19 total? Well, you have an ace, and can’t go over. With a high positive count, you might draw a ten and your score won’t change...but you could double your winnings. If the count was zero or negative, you should stay with that hand. Practice against the computer. It’s less expensive than the casino.